So you have a website for your business, or still searching for a professional web agency to do the heavy lifting for you. Hands down, web design can be overwhelming and lengthy process but it is a worthy investment. If your business still doesn’t have a website, I do suggest to get one by now.

First and foremost, choose a short and sweet URL that best relate to your business. Shortlist a few URL in mind just in case one of them is not available. Now that you have chosen your domain name, it’s time to get your site built and get things in course. These are the 5 must have features your business website should have.

5 Must Have Features Your Business Webstive Should Have

Gradient Creative Landing Page

#1 Attractive Landing Page

First impression could last quite a long period, don’t you agree? Expert says that generally a person takes between 15 to 45 seconds to form a first impression of a person or in this case a business. If the first impression is less than great, it would take a huge effort to rectify this. Hence, we need to ensure our website have an attractive landing page which could leave a positive impression for site visitors.

Website Development Concept with Flat Design

#2 Mobile Responsive

Did you know that over 60% people are using mobile phones to browse websites and perform daily routines? This means that your website should looks great in every dimension of different mobile devices available out there. Furthermore, Google has placed mobile responsive as one of their ranking consideration when it comes to search ranking.

To put it in simple terms, if your website is not mobile friendly, it is not search friendly too. If you wanted to check out how well your website performs in terms of SEO, you can check out this tool here.

An illustration of a pad lock

#3 Security

If you’re into E-Commerce business and decided to sell products online this is one of the feature that you should not neglect. Have you every wondered why is there a padlock next to the URL of certain websites? That is indicated that the website is secured with a SSL Certificate. SSL Encryption would encrypt communications between you and your clients e:g Credit Card and Personal Information. As a business owner, you must have these security knowledge which could protect not only your customers but also your business as an entity.

WhatsApp Icon With Hand

#4 Live Chat

Nowadays, people tends to communicate with one another with applications like Messenger or WhatsApp. Thus, your website should equipped with a live chat capabilities

Imagine that you’re a site visitor and while you’re browsing the website, you have some enquiries on a product. You noticed that there is a live chat system lingering at the bottom of the site, so you gave it a try. You were simply amazed by the friendly chat operator because of the quick response and helpfulness on giving you prompt replies on any questions that you have. So, you decided to place an order without a doubt.

This is how a good customer experience should looks like for every online business. A prompt and precise response is what it takes to get a customer into your business.

Social Media logo in Christmas Design

#5 Social Media Integration

The popularity of social media had made businesses to have at least one social media appearance whether on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and others. Since you have a business website, might as well make the full use of it. Your website should have social media links lying around at the corner so that visitors might click on it and visit to your social media page. They might even like or share your contents if your posts able to resonant with their current emotions.

So there you have it, the 5 Must Have Features Your Business Website Should Have. Now you know all these tips and tricks, go out and equip your website will all these features and start attracting visitors.


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